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Where I've been lately...

Over the past several months, we wound down my son’s senior year in high school, celebrated his graduation, savored our time with him still at home, prepared ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and then sent him off to college. What a monumental life transition!

 It was every bit as heart-wrenching as I expected. Both a celebration and a loss. An exciting new beginning and an end none of us were ready for. A huge blessing and a big loss. For weeks, I couldn’t speak to anyone without crying!

 During the weeks following dropping my son off, I focused on radical self-care. I dove into my practices, used my techniques, and I cried a million tears. I talked to friends. I hugged my husband and my daughter a LOT. I moved my body. I ate nourishing foods. I sank into relaxation. I gave myself a lot of space and a lot of grace. I spent intentional time feeling all the emotions, processing this life change, and reflecting on my journey as a mom.

 I want you to know, if you’re going through this transition – or any other big life transition, it’s ok to give yourself space and grace. It’s ok to feel how you feel and take all the time you need.

 I won’t say I’m fully transitioned or that this new normal we’re living feels comfortable yet, but I do feel like I’m in a new beginning of my own, and that gives me a spark of excitement. More on that in the next email!

 For now, I’m just saying hello again and sending so much love to all the other moms (and dads!) who are in the letting go phase of parenting. It's not an easy one.

 Much love,




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