Need an instant boost of calm?

If you're feeling stressed this week, you're not alone. Life isn’t slowing down. The chaos of the world is not going away.
There’s so much outside of our control. That’s why we need to be intentional about the things we can control.
If we want a sense of calm in our lives, we have to create it from the inside out.
Here’s where to start today:
1. Reduce the noise.
Most of us spend our days with constant sources of audio, visual and informational stimuli that add to our level of overwhelm and stress.
What if you stopped…
always having the tv on in the background
listening to podcasts on walks
listening to the radio during your commute
talking on the phone while doing other activities
the notifications of news popping up on your phone
scrolling social media during any break
doing online shopping during the day
constantly checking email
always being available for work-related communication
I invite you to try reducing the noise even for a few minutes a day and notice what happens for you.
2. Take a conscious breath.
The breath is such a powerful tool to use to reset our nervous systems, but one we often forget.
Take a slow, deep breath in, and then exhale twice as long as the inhale. Repeat as many times as you like.
Even doing this once can create a shift in our state.
3. Get outside.
Nature naturally vibrates at the highest level and just immersing ourselves in it can elevate our own energy.
Here's your invitation to step outside for a couple of minutes and simply take in your surroundings. Notice the sky, the clouds, the ground beneath your feet, and any other piece of beauty in your view.
As you notice your surroundings, become aware of your own body and how it feels in this moment.
*You’ll get an added bonus if you appreciate what you see.
The truth of the matter is that even in the midst of chaos, there's so much we can contribute to our overall sense of calm.
Which one of these will you try first? What would you add to the list?